of anxiety disorders
are different types of anxiety disorders, each with
own characteristics:
Generalized anxiety disorder: it is a chronic stress
even when nothing seems to provoke it. This concern or excessive nervousness
almost daily and diagnosed as such when it has A minimum of six months.
disorder (or anxiety attack): the patient experiences recurrent bouts of anxiety
that arise spontaneously. This is an acute anxiety and extreme where it is
common for the person who has created that will die. These sudden attacks of
intense fear are not a direct cause. Occasionally, patients with this disorder
develop distress to the next attack, whose occurrence can not foresee, is
called anticipatory anxiety.
disorder: disorder whose essential feature the presence of a persistent and
irrational fear to a specific object, activity or situation with the consequent
avoidance of the feared object. For example, fear of flying, birds or open
disorder: these involuntary thoughts or actions that the patient can not stop
thinking or doing in order to avoid anxiety. In any case, the subject recognizes
the absurdity of his thoughts or actions. For example, wash your hands every
little while.
disorder post-traumatic occurs in those cases in which unpleasant psychological
sequel after the impact of emotional trauma, war, rape, etc. It is characterized
by persistent memories of the traumatic event, an emotional state with
heightened surveillance and the general reduction of interest in daily events.
of the disease
Anxiety Disorders are
on the whole, the most common psychiatric illness.
include the phobic disorder: about 7 for women and 4.3 percent of men suffer
from specific phobias (to an animal, an object, darkness, etc.), While
so-called social phobia (the ability of people to interact in a friendly with
others) are found in 13 percent of the population.
anxiety disorder occurs at a rate of 3 to 5 percent of adults (at some point
during the year). Women are twice as likely to present.
disorder is less common and is diagnosed with something less than 1 percent of
the population. Women are two to three times more likely.
disorder affects about 2.3 percent of adults and occurs with approximately
equal frequency in women than in men.
Stress affects at least 1 percent of the population sometime during their life,
although people with higher risk, such as veterans, have a higher incidence.
are different treatments for anxiety, depending on the person, the type of
anxiety experienced and grade.