Sunday, May 27, 2012

social phobia treatment

 social phobia treatment
 The essential feature of this disorder is the persistent fear and charged social or performance situations in public for fear of embarrassment Exposure to these stimuli almost invariably produces immediate anxiety response Such a response may take the form of a panic attack or situation ally less related to a given situation .

Although adolescents and adults with the disorder recognize that this fear is excessive or unreasonable,this may not happen in children. In most cases social or performance situations in public just becoming avoidance motive, while other times the individual can endure even experiencing extreme horror.

The diagnosis can be made only in cases in which avoidance behavior, fear or anticipatory anxiety significantly interfere with the individual's daily routine, your relationships and your social life laborites or generate clinically significant distress In people under 18 years, symptoms must have persisted for at least 6 months before a diagnosis social phobia .

The fear or avoidance behaviors are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition and not better accounted for by another mental disorder .

 Panic disorder, separation anxiety disorder, Body Dimorphic Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, or Schizoid Personality Disorder).
If there is another mental disorder , Parkinson's disease, anorexia nervosa), fear or avoidance is not limited to concerns about possible social impact .
When the individual with social phobia in social situations or public performances feared experiences a constant concern for the possibility of embarrassment and fear that others see you as an individual anxious, weak, "crazy" or stupid. These individuals may fear public speaking because they believe that others will recognize your voice or your hands are shaking, or because they think that any time they can invade extremely anxious to have a conversation for fear of not being able to articulate words correctly. 

They may avoid eating, drinking or writing in public for fear of being in trouble when others check how they are shaking hands. Individuals with social phobia often experience symptoms of anxiety., Palpitations, tremors, sweating, gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, muscle tension, flushing, confusion) in the feared social situation, and in more serious cases, these Symptoms may get to meet the diagnostic criteria for a panic attack . The redness is typical of social phobia.

"It shows a marked anticipatory anxiety if the person is faced with the need to enter the social phobic and usually avoids such situations. Less commonly, the person is forced herself to endure the social phobic, but experiments with intense anxiety. 

Normally, the person fears that others can detect signs of anxiety in social phobic situation. You can create a vicious circle in which the irrational fear creates anxiety which in turn deteriorates the performance, increasing the motivation to avoid the phobic situation. A person always recognize that their fear is excessive or unreasonable. 

It is considered that there are two types of social phobia: Generalized: When fears are related to most social situations and Focused when fear occurs in specific situations.

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