What is the treatmem?
This treatment is aimed at all people who find it difficult or
even impossible to deal with certain situations that involve interpersonal
contact and think they all look, you will notice that you are nervous / a,
ranging ridicule, others think ill of her / him, they will be mocked and / or
criticism, etc..
Over 15 sessions (one per week) for 2 to 3 hours, apply the
various therapeutic components of the treatment program and practiced, both
during the session and beyond, the most effective techniques and strategies for
treatment of FS.
This is a treatment of cognitive-behavioral. This means that you
work on two basic levels: that of thinking (cognitive) that people have about
the situations that produce anxiety and fear about themselves when they want or
have to deal with these situations, and behavioral conduct (behavioral aspect),
what they do and what not, in those situations.
This program applies to both group (5 to 7 people, with two
therapists) and individually, although the group format has significant
advantages over single format. Among these advantages are that the group itself
is in itself a social situation, the support means to meet other people with
the same problem, and the experience of learning from successes and progress of
others in therapy.
Components of the overall treatment.
Educational component: It consists in presenting the general
lines of therapy and in explaining the fundamental concepts that the person
needs to know FS for implementing the various components. It is divided into 5
modules which are in the form of self-help manuals for the person to read
between sessions.
Challenge thoughts: In the FS treatment for the therapist
teaches how to identify, challenge and combat the thoughts "wrong"
about the concrete social situation of each person. An important aspect in our
reactions to things that happen to us or to the situations we face is how we
interpret what we think about them. According to the signified and importance
that we give and we will feel and react to it. Sometimes misunderstandings do
and this gives us feelings of discomfort. With the technical challenge of
thoughts as you would try to make a scientist test how far we are right or
wrong in our interpretation of the situation. Alternative ways of thinking about
what happens to us leads to less disturbing feelings and allows us to better
address these situations.
Exposure: This is the most used technique in the treatment of
phobias, and is also used in the treatment of FS. People are gradually exposed
to situations they fear and / or avoid. This is done with the help of the
instructions and strategies provided by the therapist in the session. At first
it seems something awful ("if it is what scares me!"), But if we knew
someone who wants to learn to swim but are afraid of the water what do you
advise? Likely to get into the water, first in a pool where you cover, then
getting closer to the deep end using a cork or a lifesaver, without the cork
after swimming small sections, and so leave the cork and to swim in the Tues
The best way to overcome a fear is to face it. The Exhibition "Live"
is to be addressed in a gradual and progressive situations that produce fear
and anxiety, remaining there until the fear and anxiety began to fade.
Conduct trials in session: They consist of
"representations" in which people try in the session some of the
situations that produce fear or anxiety and / or who tend to avoid. In these
trials involving all members of the group, which represents an excellent
opportunity for everyone to become actively involved in overcoming the problem.
These tests try to emulate reality as much as possible in order that the person
can apply what they learned when faced with actual situations he fears.
Relapse Prevention: The last component of the program is to
review learning during the sessions and evaluate the changes. It also serves to
plan exhibits that are pending, to identify high-risk situations in which
anxiety was very high and wanted to avoid and / or escape the situation and
thus prevent possible relapses.